About This Site:

About This Site: My name is Rick Balsamo. For many years I was involved as a volunteer with the camping and other social activities of the Chicagoland Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), and then with those same type of activities with the organization that became the Association of Horizon, a non-profit providing social activities for the disabled that was started by MDA volunteers. This site is a record of my experiences in pictures and words. Please read the background and informational posts about this site and the use of the pictures on it, under the "General" label linked to over on the right side, and consider commenting whenever you can, and most importantly, consider a donation to the Association of Horizon (link).

Friday, December 13, 2013

Some Horizon Old-Timers – Still Camping After All These Years

How great it is that the Association of Horizon, dedicated to helping those with physical disabilities, has prospered so over the years, due in great part to the dedication and effort of those volunteers who have stepped up, and continue to step up, to lead the organization and get all the behind-the-scenes hard work done.  The vision of our dear departed friend Jimmy Liptak and others lives on.  It has been especially gratifying to me that my daughter Christina has been volunteering at Horizon Camp in recent years and when visiting camp lately I have had the opportunity to see again so many old friends. 

I've got some old pictures of some individuals, many long-time leaders in Horizon, who have attended a recent Horizon Camp.  I don't have the "now" pictures, but I have the "then" ones -- it's fun to look back and reminisce.

From MDA Camp Hastings 1986:  Kim Peterson & Mike Engels; Mike has been in Horizon from the very beginning.

From MDA Camp Hastings 1986: Caught in a time warp, Mary Weiss (Angelico) & Tim Beard

From MDA Camp Hastings 1983: Mark Rozdolsky & Mike Trimpe

From MDA Camp Hastings 1987: Bob Schumacher and Terry Rozdolsky

From MDA Camp Hastings 1987: Loretta Martin, Freddy Martin, & Kathy Kingston.  Loretta and Kathy are also in some kind of mysterious time warp where they don't look any different today than they did then.  Hey, Freddy looks the same today too just with a little less hair [Edit: OK, a lot less hair]; also note that Freddy apparently had a wardrobe malfunction and is holding his shirt together with a safety pin.

From MDA Camp Hastings 1983: Lea Svihla and Tammie Gibson.

From MDA Camp Hastings 1983: Terry Walsh (right) with a little friend.

From MDA Camp Hastings 1987: John Walsh, also with a good head of hair, with Nicky Biango.

From MDA Camp Hastings 1984: Irene Roach & Danny Martin

[Note: 1/25/2016: Attempting to insert a photo to this post, I messed up the formatting and had to reconfigure to get it to work again.  I'll leave well enough alone and add that photo somewhere else.  RB]

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Rick. My mom looks like mini-George in that one picture. And I love Freddy's safety pin shirt...
