About This Site:

About This Site: My name is Rick Balsamo. For many years I was involved as a volunteer with the camping and other social activities of the Chicagoland Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), and then with those same type of activities with the organization that became the Association of Horizon, a non-profit providing social activities for the disabled that was started by MDA volunteers. This site is a record of my experiences in pictures and words. Please read the background and informational posts about this site and the use of the pictures on it, under the "General" label linked to over on the right side, and consider commenting whenever you can, and most importantly, consider a donation to the Association of Horizon (link).

Thursday, November 12, 2020

1980 Camp Ravenswood West

In 1980 the Chicagoland Muscular Dystrophy Association ran a one-week summer camp simultaneously at both East and West Camp Ravenswood YMCA camp sites (the following week it also ran a one-week camp at Camp Hastings, and all three camp sites were on Lake Hastings in northern Illinois not far from the Wisconsin border).  The East and West sites were separated by Lake Hastings, but connected by a winding lane of perhaps a couple hundred yards long running around the south end of the lake.  Attendees at both camp sites came together a couple of evenings for combined entertainment programs.  I spent the week at Ravenswood West at a cabin we called Club Babaloo.

(L-R front:) Bobby Schlesak, Dave Walsh, Jeff Brinkman, Chris Bouras, and Jimmy Cofer;
(L-R middle:) Ed Okeson, Chris Schulz, Doug Batesky, Cliff Grant, and John Mayer;
(Back:) Rick Balsamo
Above: Mike Goodman and Cathy Radz

Above L to R: Sandy Sheffler, Tracey Bracket (I think), and Nancy Goodman

Above L to R: Bob Secco, Denny Harris, and Ron Pudlo

Above L to R front: Dana Brinkman, Kevin Brinkman, and Mike Goodman
L to R back: Stephan Meehan, Denny Harris, Joe Putrow, Bob Watson,
 (camper Tim Stagg missing from photo), and Jim Misak

Above: The guys in the previous photo decked out for carnival night. 
Tim Stagg is second from left in front.

Above: The Club Babaloo guys in a skit

Above: Doug Batesky look on while Dave Walsh secures a mid-afternoon snack from a plentiful source

Above R to L: Bob Medrala, Maureen Frossard, and Maureen's attendant
(whose name I unfortunately cannot recall) 

Above:  Scene at Carnival Night

Above: John Mayer and Jimmy Cofer

Above: Cliff Grant and Chris Bouras

Above: Entertaining Camp with a song
Sitting, L to R: Sharon Vargo, Dawn Coats (face hidden), MaryJo Clancy, Nancy Goodman, Debbie Goodman, & Rosemary Plescia  
Center: In back Denny Harris on guitar with Sandy Sheffler in front of him

Mike Goodman and Rick Balsamo

Relaxing at Club Babaloo: Jeff Brinkman, Chris Bouras, Doug Batesky, and Ed Okeson

Cliff Grant, Doug Batesky, John Mayer,
and Danny Martin in his iconic red coat.
Below: Chris Bouras and Jimmy Cofer

Skit with (not in order) David McSweeney, Brandon Roach, Nicky LoBianco, and Joey McManus 

Sitting, L to R: At a campfire, Randy Smit, Danny Leist, Mike Trimpe, James Perkins, and John Martin. (I think I got each name and face matched up right)

Jimmy Liptak, Danny Martin, & Rich Westley

Above: Some old-timer volunteers from both Ravenswood camp sites that week: 
Back row L to R: Denny Harris, Patty Rogers, Bob Medrala, Tom Musillami, Danny Martin, Terry Rozdolsky, Jeff Sader, Rick Balsamo, and Jimmy Liptak
Front, L to R: Bob Secco, Pat Brice, Ron Pudlo, Marian Liptak, Marie Glazer, and Rich Westley 

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