About This Site:

About This Site: My name is Rick Balsamo. For many years I was involved as a volunteer with the camping and other social activities of the Chicagoland Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), and then with those same type of activities with the organization that became the Association of Horizon, a non-profit providing social activities for the disabled that was started by MDA volunteers. This site is a record of my experiences in pictures and words. Please read the background and informational posts about this site and the use of the pictures on it, under the "General" label linked to over on the right side, and consider commenting whenever you can, and most importantly, consider a donation to the Association of Horizon (link).

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

1974 MDA Camp Ravenswood East

Celebrating the 40th anniversary this month of the 1974 MDA Camp Ravenswood East.

Mary Jo Clancy & Mary Frandsen
Joey Brown & Marian Liptak, with Guy Wayne Thomas on left
Bob Medrala & Ashwall Dutt
Dave Scupham, with Jim Radloff in middle

Bev Bjork, Judy Shalvis, Denny Harris, & Rich Westley
Robin Hewitt and Dawn Coats

Guy Wayne Thomas, Pat Wilsey, & John Lianos

In back, Big Jim Radloff on left; In front, Richie Conway on right
In front, Bill Sutherland & Richie Bowman
Dave Scupham, Dan Vukobratovich, Terry Coor, & Mike Parker
Judy Shalvis (L) & Charmang Sistrunk (center), and a glimpse of Karen Binkley in back
Antonio Cristofaro, in his only year at camp 
Eileen Wilsey Chodl & Jeff Sader
Judy Shalvis & Rick Balsamo
In front: Antonio Cristofaro, Phil Potyen, & Danny Martin
In front: Mary Jo Clancy and Dawn Coats; Standing L to R:Judy Shalvis, Jan Mozack, Louise Angelico, (probably) Kathy Gould, & Margie Santoni (partially blocked by red jacket) 
More zany camp entertainment -- racing on small skateboards: from front: Judy Shalvis, Mary Beth Divine, Bob Medrala, Ron Balsamo, & (in checkered shirt) Jimmy Liptak
Rich Westley & Denny Harris
Undoubtedly one of the usually lame staff skits, with Denny Harris, Jeff Sader, Rich Westley, Dino Kudla, & Eileen Wilsey Chodl
Scott Silver, with Head Nurse Sherry Phillips in the background
Ron Balsamo, Jimmy Liptak, & Bob Medrala

Looking back now, I didn't take very many photographs that week with my little Kodak Instamatic camera, and film and processing were expensive for a student taking out loans left and right.  Fortunately, a camp roster was made up, and here are just some of the long-time camp people I missed, in the order they appear on the roster:  Phil Sakowski, Kevin Brinkman, Jeff Hewitt, Anthony Potyen, Ron Pudlo, Pat McTeague, Tom Musillami, Glen Davis, Ingrid Bouman, Diane Wilfred, Eric Bolden, Mike Trimpe, Carolyn Pluta, Anna Diamont, Mary Ann McGinn, Tom Scanlon, Kenny Gilford, Stosh Pedziwiater, Jeff Zakis, Billy Fair, Dave Scanlon, Robin Hewitt, Barry Deertz, Johnny Angelico, Jeff Brinkman, Russ Bolden, Pat "PT" Healey, Bill Harris, Dana Brinkman, Stan Bolden, Joe Doyle, Bill Rees, Donna Jarka, Dr Ralph Levin, and Maureen Scully.

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