About This Site:

About This Site: My name is Rick Balsamo. For many years I was involved as a volunteer with the camping and other social activities of the Chicagoland Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), and then with those same type of activities with the organization that became the Association of Horizon, a non-profit providing social activities for the disabled that was started by MDA volunteers. This site is a record of my experiences in pictures and words. Please read the background and informational posts about this site and the use of the pictures on it, under the "General" label linked to over on the right side, and consider commenting whenever you can, and most importantly, consider a donation to the Association of Horizon (link).

Saturday, November 17, 2018

1981 Camp Hastings -- Part 2

Elizabeth Schwartz & Kathy Dickerson
Irene Roach & Danny Martin

Claire & Loretta Martin
Sue Wagner & Patty Riley

Rick Balsamo, Margie Santoni, Louie Santoni, & Wendy Klochowski
Terry Rozdolsky, Benita Baer, & Bob Solario

Mike Engels & Mike Angelico (top)
Rich Westley & Aaron Adams

Kager Gordon & Alvin James

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