About This Site:

About This Site: My name is Rick Balsamo. For many years I was involved as a volunteer with the camping and other social activities of the Chicagoland Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), and then with those same type of activities with the organization that became the Association of Horizon, a non-profit providing social activities for the disabled that was started by MDA volunteers. This site is a record of my experiences in pictures and words. Please read the background and informational posts about this site and the use of the pictures on it, under the "General" label linked to over on the right side, and consider commenting whenever you can, and most importantly, consider a donation to the Association of Horizon (link).

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Danny Martin at Camp = 1982-1983

(Some of these photos have appeared elsewhere on this site, and some are newly scanned.)

In 1982 MDA Camp Hastings Danny was the cabin leader of Cabins 15 & 16, and the gang included Alvin James, Timmy Sullivan, Kenny Gilford, John Mayer, Steve Netzel, Robin Hewitt, Mike D’Antonio, Jimmy Cofer, and Chris Bouras. 

Alvin James & Danny
Amaal Abdullah & Danny
Danny & John Lianos

Irene Roach & Danny

Kenny Gilford, Danny, & Keith Holt

Sandy Kardaras & Danny
Virginia Smith & Danny
In 1983 MDA Camp Hastings Danny was the cabin leader of Cabin 13, whose gang included Leon Walker and Ronny Peconio.  Freddy Martin was the cabin leader of the attached Cabin 14 and that gang included Michael Clark, Chris Fair, Danny Scanlon, Calvin Spivey. 

Danny, Calvin Spivey, & Freddy Martin
Danny & Amy Macak
Mike Clark & Danny

Freddy & Danny

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Danny Martin at Camp = 1980 - 1981

The Golden Years continued into the 1980s.  In June that summer, once again there were two week-long sessions of MDA Camp.   There were so many camper attendees that year that both sections of Camp Ravenswood, East and West, were needed for the first week session.  The two Ravenswood camp sections were both along the shore of Lake Hastings but were separated by a narrow road a few hundred yards long that ran along the shoreline.  Each camp site had its own dining room, pool, beach, and activities, so the two groups did not mix much during the week.  The one exception was the Carnival Night, which was held at Ravenswood West for both Camp groups. 

I was at Ravenswood West in Cabin Club Babaloo and Danny was at Ravenswood East, but everyone got together for one big, long evening.

Danny hanging out with some Club Babaloo Boys: 
(L to R) standing Cliff Grant, Doug Batesky, and John Mayer,
and sitting Chris Bouras and Jimmy Cofer
A Gathering of Some Old-Timers:
Back Row: Denny Harris, Patti Rogers, Bob Medrala, Tom Musillami Danny Martin,
Terry Rozdolsky, Jeff Sader, Rick Balsamo, & Jimmy Liptak
Front: Bob Secco, Pat Brice, Ron Pudlo, Marion Liptak, Marie Glazer, & Rich Westley

Three Kings of Ravenswood:
Jimmy Liptak, Danny Martin, & Rich Westley
At Camp Hastings Danny teamed up with John Lianos as his attendant, 11 years after John and I were paired up my first week of Camp.  They were in Cabin 18 – Ron’s Dons – with Ron Balsamo as the cabin leader.  The cabin was filled with old timers and they all had a wonderful time together.

Danny Martin & John Lianos
Ron's Dons:
Standing L to R: Jim Holmes, Warren Robinson, Pete Muzzy,
Danny Martin leaning over, Ron Balsamo, Scott Berman, & John Dunham
Sitting: Aaron Adams, Roger Gordon, Eric Cook, John Lianos,
George Jeffries, & Mike Engels

At Carnival:  Danny Martin, Tess Martin, Jeff Sader, & Rick Balsamo
Tell the Camp Truth Skit Impersonating Blanche Hamende:"My name is Blanche -- NO, MY name is Blanche......."
Danny Martin, Rick Balsamo, & Terry Coor
John "The Golden Greek" Lianos & Danny Martin
Throughout the 1980s Danny volunteered for the week at Camp Ravenswood, but not being able to attend those I have no photos.  But at Camp Hastings in June of 1981 Danny and I were cabin leaders at the attached Cabins 15 & 16.  We had a blast.

1981 Cabins 15 & 16
Back L to R: Jon Franke, Keith Kheo, (unidentified), Art Robinson,
Rick Balsamo, Gary Dehne, Juan Martinez, either Mark Curi or Mike Hussey, & Danny Martin.
Front: Aaron Adams, Mike Goodman, Ceodes (Butch) Bolden, Dana Brinkman,
Eric Cook, George Jeffries, John Lianos, & Kevin Brinkman
(Doug Batesky is missing from the photo)
Chris Bouras & Danny Martin
(Taken by me with Danny's camera)

Donna Sandowski, Danny Martin, & Claire Martin
Patty Riley & Danny Martin
Danny Martin as a Bridgeport lady, with Tim Sullivan of Bridgeport
Danny Martin, Loretta Martin, & Rich Westley
(Taken by me with Danny's camera)
Irene Roach & Danny Martin