About This Site:

About This Site: My name is Rick Balsamo. For many years I was involved as a volunteer with the camping and other social activities of the Chicagoland Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), and then with those same type of activities with the organization that became the Association of Horizon, a non-profit providing social activities for the disabled that was started by MDA volunteers. This site is a record of my experiences in pictures and words. Please read the background and informational posts about this site and the use of the pictures on it, under the "General" label linked to over on the right side, and consider commenting whenever you can, and most importantly, consider a donation to the Association of Horizon (link).

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Danny Martin at Camp = 1973 – 1977

Danny’s first year at Muscular Dystrophy Camp was in 1973 at Camp Hastings in Cabin 15.  He was turned on to Camp by his friend Bob Medrala, who spread the word at their high school – St. Lawrence on Chicagoland’s southwest side – after attending camp himself.  Danny’s camper that first year was Mike Engels.  Timmy Sullivan was another camper in that cabin.  Many years later, in the summer of 2015, give or take, he spent a week at Horizon summer camp once again as Mike’s attendant.  I don’t have a photo of Danny from that week at Camp Hastings; I didn’t take many photos then on my little Instamatic camera, and have only 11 in all from that week in my photo album. 

Danny returned to camp in June of 1974 as a volunteer for both one-week sessions at MDA Camp, first at Camp Ravenswood East and then at Camp Hastings.  At Ravenswood, he was in Cabin A paired up with Phil Potyen.  Lasting friendships and memories came out of that experience.  Other campers included John Lianos (for whom Danny and I both served as attendants at one time or another), Richie Conway, and the remarkable one-year-wonder of great memories Antonio Cristofaro.  Danny, a world-class master of impersonation, would lovingly recreate Antonio for all the years after that single week, and we shared a thousand laughs and tears over his recreations.  Also in that cabin were my brother Ron Balsamo, as cabin leader, and our fellow Fenwick Friar Pat Wilsey, who would become a dear friend of Danny’s.     

I have just one photo of Danny from 1974 Ravenswood.  Here he is, on the far right of course, kneeling looking at Antonio Cristofaro, with his camper Phil Potyen in the middle, during a skit in the dining hall:

1974 Ravenswood (L to R): Antonio Cristofaro, Phil Potyen, and Danny Martin
The following week, at 1974 Hastings, Danny was in Cabin 13 with camper Danny Creer.  Others in that cabin included campers included Earl Higgins and Billy Sugrue and volunteers Johnny Angelico and cabin leader Pat Wilsey.  I have one photo that I took of Danny that week, with Earl Higgins:

1974 Hastings: Danny Martin and Earl Higgins
I was camp program director those two weeks in 1974, and in moving about the camps I quickly saw how much laughter and joy this newcomer brought to everyone about him.  Danny and I became fast friends that week and someone took a picture (it may have been with Danny's camera):

1974 Hastings: Danny Martin and Rick Balsamo
In 1975 at Ravenswood East, Danny was in Cabin A paired up with Glen Davis, a very shy, extremely quiet young man.  Danny gave him the time of his life, and I mean that literally.  Glen had a broad smile on his face the entire week.  He still didn’t say much, but one could easily see the great time he was having with Danny.  Imagine, having Danny Martin all to yourself for an entire week!  Also in that cabin, fellows who would become part of Danny’s closer camp world, were campers John Lianos, Aaron Adams, and Phil Macak.  Phil Potyen was also in that cabin, and Pat Wilsey was cabin leader.    

At 1975 Hastings Danny was the cabin leader of Cabin 13.  At Hastings pairs of cabins were connected by a shared washroom in between and occupied one building.  Danny’s fellow unit leader in attached Cabin 14 was Ron Balsamo.  That year, just down the lane a bit, Bob Medrala and I were cabin leader partners of the connected Cabins 17 and 18.  Once again, I took few photos in 1976 and have none up closer of Danny.

In 1976, because of the demands of medical school I was able to attend only the one-week session at Hastings and missed the first week session at Ravenswood East.  But I did visit, and have this photo of Danny in the iconic red carnival coat:

1976 Ravenswood = Danny Martin in his iconic red carnival coat
At Hastings, Danny was cabin leader of 15, partnered with Bob Medrala as cabin leader of 16, whose crew included campers Mike Engels and Mike Goodman.

1976 = Bob Medrala
1976 = Danny in his iconic red coat

In 1977 at Ravenswood, Danny was cabin leader of Cabin E, whose campers included Kenny Gilford, Johnny Sugrue, and Earl Higgins.  That year I was next door to Danny in Cabin F, with, among others, Pat Wilsey.

In 1977 at Hastings, Danny was cabin leader of 13, with, among others, Pat Wilsey, Pete Muzzy, Johnny Abell, Tim Sullivan, and Scott Plocharczyk.  That was the cabin of King Turd fame.  The Cabin 14 crew included Johnny Angelico, Mike Engels, and Tim Stagg.  Danny’s brother Jimmy was in Cabin 6 with King Jake Weier (I was next door as cabin leader of 5), and close cousin Freddy Martin was in 15 with Alvin James.   

1977 Hastings = Danny Martin with Cheri Bourbon
1977 Hastings = Jimmy Martin, Rich Westley, & Danny Martin

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Danny Martin – Hail & Farewell

Federal Magistrate Judge Daniel George Martin,

With both hands who lifted the halt and the weak,

Who lives forever in the hearts of those fortunate to have shared his wonderful life,

And to have been touched by his great soul.

We rode on the tail of his comet, high in the heavens bathed by his shining lights,

Hail and farewell, dearest friend.