About This Site:

About This Site: My name is Rick Balsamo. For many years I was involved as a volunteer with the camping and other social activities of the Chicagoland Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), and then with those same type of activities with the organization that became the Association of Horizon, a non-profit providing social activities for the disabled that was started by MDA volunteers. This site is a record of my experiences in pictures and words. Please read the background and informational posts about this site and the use of the pictures on it, under the "General" label linked to over on the right side, and consider commenting whenever you can, and most importantly, consider a donation to the Association of Horizon (link).

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Dinner at the Camp Drive-In

Remember the 1950s?  Well, I do, some, and one vague memory is the drive-in fast food restaurant where girls on roller skates moved quickly between kitchen and cars to take orders and serve food.  As seen in American Graffiti and Happy Days.

Those at camp in 1980 who missed the real thing were treated to a reasonable facsimile when a whole crew of guys and gals dressed in their best 1950s garb – poodle skirts, tight tees, rolled-up blue jeans, and slick DAs – and on roller skates served the whole camp dinner al fresco.  It was a sight to see, and surprisingly no one went hungry from spilled food.  Kudos to all those skaters.  A wistful aside:  1980 was far closer to 1955 than 1980 is from today.  Rick Balsamo

A Classic 1950s Poodle Skirt Helps Create the Ambiance 

Maria Brown Stays Afoot
Bob Medrala Looking Sout'-side Tough

Sherri Tumpa, Kathy Sheehan, & Mary Ann McGinn

John Walsh Still On His Feet -- But For How Much Longer?
Jeff Sader: "Now Exactly Who Asked for Seconds?"

John Lianos

In the summer of 1969 I went off to Muscular Dystrophy Camp for the first time.  My old friend Mike Shaw volunteered that summer as well, and we both returned the following year.  My camper that first year was John Lianos, who occasionally referred to himself as "The Golden Greek."  We rode together on the long bus ride from south Michigan Avenue, where we boarded, to the camp outside Kalamazoo, Michigan.  All my first camp experiences were with John, who, having been there before, showed me the ropes.  Mike Goodman was also in our cabin, led by unit leader named Rich Taylor, a black belt who would dress up in his robe and show us some moves; Mike called him "Fearless Leader." 

I returned the following summer as a cabin leader, and John and I were once again in the same cabin so we got to know each other well.  We saw a lot of each other at camp over the years.  John's later attendants included Danny Martin and Pat Wilsey.  Here are some photos of John over the years.  Rick Balsamo

John Lianos in 1969
John in 1973, with (clockwise) Joan Moser, Rich Westley, Ron Balsamo, Dick Rammer (his attendant in 1972), and Bill Manley
John in 1977 at the Oak Street Beach post-camp party
Post-Camp Party at North Avenue Beach: John with Jeff Sader, Mary Ann McGinn, Margarita Santoni, Cabrini & John McInerney = 1981
John & Friend in 1980
John & Danny Martin = 1980

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Send In the Clowns

From the Chicagoland Muscular Dystrophy Camps, over the years:

Freddy & Danny Martin = 1983
Earl Higgins & Patti Davy = 1978
Earl was Patti's camper her first year at camp in 1970

Patti Shaw with Robbie the Clown = July, 1972
At an MDA outing to Brookfield Zoo
Scott Silver = 1974
Leo Baran & Dean Krone = 1980

Ron Balsamo (r) & Friend = 1975

Rosemary Plescia (l) & Friend = 1980
Sal Frieri = 1974

Jan Mozack (l) & Friend = 1980

Pete Muzzy = 1980
Kathy Sheehan (l) & Friend = 1980

Phil Rose & Frank Bresemann = 1977

Randy Fox, Donna Sandowski, Dean Krone, & Tess Martin = 1980